Charleston South Carolina

Mt. Pleasant Premises Liability Attorney

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Mt. Pleasant Premises Liability Attorney

Premises liability claims relate to losses experienced due to the property owner or manager’s negligence. For example, if you slip, fall, and are injured because a commercial property manager fails to have a spill cleaned up promptly, you can seek compensation for your legal damages.

Suppose you’ve been injured due to a property owner or manager’s carelessness. In that case, it’s time to seek the skilled legal guidance of an experienced premises liability attorney in Mt. Pleasant.

Common Premises Liability Claims 

Every premises liability claim is specific to the situation at hand, but many fall into categories like the following:

Having a skilled premises liability lawyer on your side from the start can play a critical role in the success of your claim.

The Elements Necessary to Bring a Successful Claim

To bring a successful premises liability claim, several elements must be present, and they include the following:

The Duty of Care Owed

Establishing that a property owner or manager was negligent is a complicated matter. Negligence is generally established in premises liability claims by comparing the property owner’s actions or failure to act to those taken by other reasonable property owners under similar circumstances. If the property owner failed to employ the same care others would have, it supports your claim of negligence and premises liability case.

Determining Your Losses

In a premises liability claim, you can seek compensation for your legal damages. These include your medical bills, which can stretch into the future if your injuries are severe or develop complications. If your injuries keep you off the job, you can also pursue compensation for lost earnings, which can be all the more significant if your earning potential is affected. In addition, you can address your physical and emotional pain and suffering. This loss category can be immense and eclipses all your other losses combined.

Reach Out to an Experienced Premises Liability Attorney for Help

The seasoned Mt. Pleasant premises liability accident lawyers at The Law Office of Mark C. Tanenbaum, P.A., are committed to unleashing the full force of our legal skill in pursuit of just compensation that covers your entire range of losses. For more information, please don’t wait to contact us online or call 843-577-5100 today.