Slip and Fall Lawyers In Charleston, SC, Making a Difference
Places held open to the public should be free from hazardous conditions. You should not worry about navigating obstacles or maintaining your balance on slippery floors while running errands or patronizing a business. Indeed, South Carolina law recognizes that commercial, public, and private property owners have a duty to keep their property safe. They can be held liable for injuries that result from hazards on the premises.
Mark C. Tanenbaum, P.A., offers experienced legal representation in slip-and-fall injury cases. We have built a reputation on our commitment to making a difference in the lives of injury victims. Our trial attorneys, who share more years of combined experience, fight for victims’ rights to fair compensation.
We are committed to seeking justice on behalf of personal injury victims. Please contact our firm at 843-577-5100 for a free consultation.
We handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis.
Placing Responsibility Where It Belongs
Slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accidents can arise from any number of conditions that could have been prevented had the responsible parties exercised proper care. Hidden hazards can cause serious injuries. Examples of common hazardous conditions include:
- Spills or wax that makes the floor slippery
- Loose or absent handrails
- Improperly maintained stairs
- Uneven flooring materials
- Inadequate warning of a transition between two levels of flooring
- Foreign substances that can’t be seen with the naked eye
Many commercial environments, such as retail stores, distract patrons’ attention with visual stimuli such as marketing materials. Patrons are even more at risk of injury in those circumstances, even when exercising care.
Our lawyers regularly work with a team of experts in various fields who can detect hidden hazards to help place responsibility on the shoulders of those at fault.
Store, Apartment, or Parking Lot Falls
Although many slip-and-fall accidents occur on commercial properties, such as retail stores and parking lots, falls in a residence or apartment can also lead to significant injuries. Private property owners who fail to maintain their property in reasonably safe condition can be held liable for such accidents.
Why Should You Suffer Due to a Property Owner’s Negligence?
Call our Charleston law firm at 843-577-5100 to discuss your rights with an attorney during a free consultation.