Charleston South Carolina

Standard of Care Attorneys in Charleston, SC

Give Us A Call Today or Schedule a Consultation.


We turn to medical professionals to help us when we need it most, and when these professionals or the facilities they work for fail to provide the standard of care they’re held to, it can lead to devastating results. If you or someone you care about has been injured by a medical professional or facility’s negligence, an experienced Charleston medical malpractice attorney is on your side and standing by to help.

Is It Medical Malpractice?

In South Carolina, medical malpractice refers to a medical provider, such as a doctor, surgeon, or nurse, who fails to employ the standard of care set by the industry and who – in the process – causes the patient to suffer legal damages – or significant losses in specific categories. This standard of care refers to the level of care and professional judgment that other medical providers employ under similar circumstances. If your medical provider or facility’s failure to live up to this standard of care leaves you in a significantly worsened condition, you may be a victim of medical malpractice – and it’s time to consult with a dedicated medical malpractice attorney.

The Primary Forms of Medical Malpractice

Every medical malpractice case is unique to the circumstances involved, but most can be classified in one of the following ways:

To bring a successful medical malpractice claim, you’ll need to demonstrate that you suffered legal damages – or specific physical, financial, and emotional losses – that can include all the following:

Proving the Medical Provider’s Negligence

Medical malpractice claims are not only legally challenging but are also technically challenging. To recover compensation for your losses in a successful medical malpractice claim, you’ll need to prove that the medical provider or facility failed to uphold the standard of care they must abide by. This means you will likely need to hire medical experts who can attest to the manner and degree to which the medical professional failed to meet the required standard – leading to your serious losses.

Turn to an Experienced Charleston Medical Malpractice Attorney for the Help You Need

Our accomplished Charleston, South Carolina, medical malpractice attorneys appreciate just how devastating the effects of medical malpractice can be, and we’ll spare no effort in pursuing your claim’s best possible resolution – in support of your fullest recovery. We care about you and your case, so please don’t delay contacting us online or calling 843-577-5100 for more information about what we can do to help you today.