What are Examples of Catastrophic Injuries Typically Seen in Auto Accidents?
If you experience a severe injury that impedes your ability to perform daily tasks or forces you to install home modifications, you have most likely sustained a catastrophic injury. Each year, more than 2.5 million people experience catastrophic injuries, requiring them to make permanent lifestyle adjustments to accommodate their injuries. When a catastrophic injury occurs in a truck, car, bus, or pedestrian accident, the individual may require round-the-clock care.
In this blog, our Charleston catastrophic injury lawyers discuss the different types of injuries that are seen in auto accidents.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is caused by any jolt, strike, or blow to the head, disrupting normal brain function. Closed head injuries are the most common type of TBI in auto accidents. A closed brain injury involves the brain being jostled around, resulting in bruising and tearing of the nerve fibers when it makes contact with the bony skull. Common symptoms of a TBI include paralysis or weakness, concentration issues, changes in senses, fatigue, dizziness, and headaches, to name a few.
Severe Burns
Although rare, if a vehicle’s fuel tank leaks after crashing, the vehicle could burst into flames. If this occurs, you could suffer third-degree burns, which require immediate medical intervention. Third-degree burns destroy the top two layers of skin, the epidermis and dermis, causing disfigurement and scarring. A third-degree burn may appear white, black, or bright red, with the skin appearing to look like leather. When a person suffers a severe burn, he or she will experience a lack of sensation in the affected area due to the nerve endings of the skin being compromised.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Whether it be due to a problem with the safety features in a vehicle, poorly designed roads, or driver distraction, spinal cord injuries happen frequently in auto accidents. The spinal cord runs from the base of your brain to the bottom of your back. It consists of a bundle of nerves that carry messages throughout the body. Since the spinal cord is a delicate structure, the force exerted during a motor vehicle crash has the potential to damage your spinal cord. Symptoms of a spinal cord injury may include trouble walking, extreme pressure in the lower back, and loss of bladder or bowel control.
Internal Organ Damage
Internal organ damage following a trauma can be life-threatening. Since the abdomen is susceptible to injuries, the force of a car accident can damage any number of internal organs, causing them to bleed or rupture. Recent research found that the spleen, diaphragm, and liver are the organs most affected in side impact crashes, while the spleen, liver, and kidneys are the organs most impacted in frontal crashes.
While a broken bone may seem to be minor, it can be a catastrophic injury if certain complications are present. Not all broken bones fully heal, meaning that you may be unable to return to your life prior to your accident. Compound fractures (which is when a bone breaks through the skin) can damage surrounding tissue, often requiring surgery. Additionally, a fractured rib can puncture a lung, causing a pneumothorax (collapsed lung). This condition often presents with shortness of breath and chest pain.
Reach Out to a Charleston Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Today
At The Law Office of Mark C. Tanenbaum, P.A., we have been proudly serving the hardworking citizens of Charleston and the surrounding area for over 40 years. Our Charleston catastrophic injury lawyers understand the stress you are facing following an auto accident, and we make it our mission to fight for the compensation that you need to help replace your lost income and help pay your medical bills. To schedule your free consultation, contact us online or by phone today.