The Psychological Impact of Burn Scars
There are few injuries as physically and emotionally painful as burns. If someone else’s negligence leaves you with a burn injury, you face a challenging journey toward recovery and acceptance, and the psychological impact of your scars can be immense and difficult to overcome. Reach out to an experienced Charleston personal injury attorney for the skilled legal guidance you need.
Burn Injuries
The Mayo Clinic reports that second-degree burns can scar and that third-degree burns inevitably scar. When these scars are on or near the face or when they cover a large part of the body that others can see, it can lead to significant emotional consequences that should not be overlooked.
Your Psychological Burden
If you’ve been disfigured by a burn injury that was caused by another party’s wrongdoing, the consequences can be dire. A recent study published by the National Library of Medicine finds that body image is a very important variable when it comes to quality of life. They go on to report that the negative consequences of living with a disfigured facial appearance can’t be overstated, and the psychological consequences can include all the following:
- Social anxiety and increased anxiety generally
- Depression
- A reduction in overall quality of life
- Body image dissatisfaction
- The need for mental health care
Your Post-Accident Experience
The psychological effects you experience can be caused by a variety of factors that are common to terrifying accidents like those that cause burns and include all the following:
- Frightening flashbacks to the accident itself – in terms of your own experience and in terms of witnessing the suffering of other victims
- Concerns about the future in light of your injuries
- Concerns about your financial future and the impact it can have on those who depend on you
- Concerns about your changed appearance
- The pain and itching you continue to endure while the burn injury is healing
- The losses you experience in terms of range of motion in the affected area
- Challenges in relation to your romantic life, interest in sex, and intimacy overall
- Losses experienced related to your independence, employability, and daily life
Obtaining the Compensation to Which You’re Entitled
Your accomplished personal injury attorney will spare no effort in their focused pursuit of the compensation you deserve. This includes legal damages for your medical expenses – which are likely ongoing – your lost income, and your psychological pain and suffering. With an injury as consequential as a burn, this category of loss can exceed all the others combined.
It’s Time to Consult with an Experienced Charleston Personal Injury Attorney
The dedicated Charleston personal injury attorneys at The Law Office of Mark C. Tanenbaum, P.A., appreciate how serious your burn injuries are and the extent of the emotional losses you’ve suffered. In response, we are well prepared to harness the full force of our impressive experience and legal insight in support of your rights and in pursuit of your rightful compensation. Your claim is important to your health and well-being, so please don’t wait to contact us online or call us at 843-577-5100 for more information about what we can do to help you today.