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Top Causes of Car Accidents in Charleston, SC, and How to Avoid Them

In 2022, 2.38 million people sustained injuries in motor vehicle crashes. Whether it be due to fatigue, intoxication, aggression, distraction, or inclement weather, a car accident can leave drivers and passengers alike with a host of medical issues and lost income. The path to getting back on your feet is unpredictable, causing anxiety about what lies in store.

At Mark C. Tanenbaum, P.A., we understand your stress in the aftermath of a crash. If you were recently in a collision, our car accident attorneys in Charleston, SC, would like to discuss everything you need about accidents in The Palmetto State and how to keep yourself and loved ones out of harm’s way.

How to Avoid Driving Fatigued

Drowsy driving is the cause of about 328,000 accidents each year, with 693 fatalities in the recent year being caused by a fatigued driver. It is estimated that someone who goes without sleep for 24 hours has the same mental faculties as an individual with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.10%.

To prevent fatigued driving, take the following steps:

Never Drive Drunk  

With over 13,500 lives lost each year to drunk driving, about 32% of traffic fatalities involve an inebriated driver. In South Carolina, driving with a BAC of 0.08% or greater is illegal. Consuming alcohol impairs a person’s thinking, coordination, and reflexes, all crucial abilities when operating a motor vehicle. If you are planning on drinking at your next social gathering, designate a sober driver or consider splitting a taxi or Uber.

Stay Calm – No Aggressive Driving

Tailgating, honking your horn at a slow driver, or weaving in and out of lanes are all aggressive driving. Aggressive driving is unsafe behavior behind the wheel that disregards others’ safety. A recent study estimated that roughly 80% of drivers have exhibited aggressive behaviors behind the wheel in the past 30 days. To avoid aggressive driving, leave plenty of time to reach your destination, take a calming breath, and follow the posted speed limit.

Keep Your Focus to Avoid Distracted Driving Accidents

Sending a quick text, applying make-up, and changing the radio station are all forms of distracted driving. Distracted driving encompasses anything that takes your full attention away from traffic, claiming the lives of over 3,300 individuals in 2022. Taking your eyes off the road for five seconds traveling at 55 miles per hour equates to driving the entire length of a football field with your eyes closed. 

Given that traffic conditions can change in a split second, the best way to keep yourself safe is to put your phone down and keep both hands on the wheel. Your text message or phone call can wait until you reach your destination.

Prepare for Inclement Weather

Adverse weather, such as rain, sleet, snow, or fog, can cause visibility issues, negatively impacting your commute. Visibility issues can result in speed variations, creating a hazard for all drivers. Adverse weather also affects road conditions, resulting in vehicles taking longer to stop due to reduced traction. Especially in fog, a driver’s distance perception may be skewed, causing the motorist not to allow enough space between vehicles.

If the forecast predicts poor weather, avoid traveling. If you must be on the road, reduce your speed. Periodically check your tire treads and brakes to help you stay safe in slippery conditions and get snow or all-weather tires for the winter months.

Charleston, SC, Car Accident Attorneys Providing Aggressive Counsel

Healing from a collision can take several weeks, months, or even years, placing you on the sidelines. Vacation plans and family get-togethers may need to be canceled, leaving you disappointed. At Mark C. Tanenbaum, P.A., we believe nobody should be burdened by expenses caused by another person’s ineptitude. To learn how our car accident lawyers in Charleston, SC, can assist you, contact us online or give us a call today.